Project Information |
Project Status: Completed |
Implementing Organization/s: Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development (FIT-ED) |
October 2018-December 2021 |
Location/s: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East |
Project Leader:
Victoria L. Tinio, Executive Director, FIT-ED |
Building the capacity of teachers is critical for education systems to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) — inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. However, existing approaches to teacher professional development (TPD) in developing countries often face challenges of quality, inclusiveness, and costs, particularly when delivering TPD at large scale. New approaches are required to enable the delivery of large-scale and cost-effective continuous professional development programs for all teachers.
The “Supporting Teacher Professional Development” project (October 2018 to December 2021), formalized and expanded the work of the TPD@Scale Coalition for the Global South, whose membership includes 23 international development and aid agencies, government agencies, non-government organizations, research centers and think tanks, and higher education institutions from all over the world, to successfully meet the project’s overall objective of contributing to the attainment of SDG 4 through research and development on TPD@Scale, policy and practice influencing, capacity-building within ministries of education and their partner organizations, and harmonizing efforts and investments in TPD@Scale.
Highlights of the project include:
Three key insights have been gleaned from project work:
These insights are central to the TPD@Scale Framework elaborated in a working paper and will inform the research agenda for TPD@Scale as the project moves into the next phase of research and development.
Victoria L. Tinio
Project Leader / Coalition Secretariat Director
Dante Castillo-Canales
Regional Lead for Latin America and the Caribbean
Cher Ping Lim
Research and Development Manager
Justin III Edward Modesto
Coalition Secretariat Deputy Director (2019 to 2021)