Featured article: Who’s ready to change? Tracking adaptations during scaling in education – Brookings CUE
Read the Brookings Center for Universal Education’s new article, “Who’s ready to change? Tracking adaptations during scaling in education” by Jenny Perlman Robinson and TPD@Scale Coalition Secretariat Director, Victoria Tinio. The article discusses how education initiatives adapt to changing environments, and it features Brookings CUE’s recently-published Adaptation Tracker. This tracker has been designed to support […]
Featured article: Annual Reflection Brief, June 2020: Millions Learning Real-time Scaling Labs: Emerging findings and key insights – Brookings CUE
Read the Brookings Center for Universal Education’s new brief, “Millions Learning Real-time Scaling Labs: Emerging findings and key insights,” by Jenny Perlman Robinson, Molly Curtiss, and Patrick Hannahan. The brief includes an overview of the Real-time Scaling Labs–which includes the TPD@Scale Philippines’ Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (ELLN) Digital initiative–and a synthesis of learnings to […]
Featured article: Scaling quality education calls for scaling effective TPD – Brookings CUE
Read Molly Curtiss and Jenny Perlman Robinson’s insights on scaling effective teacher professional development. This blog article from the Center for Universal Education of The Brookings Institution features the Philippines case, ELLN Digital.
ELLN Digital evaluation report and more out now
Read and download the evaluation report on the ELLN Digital blended learning for teacher professional development pilot in the Philippines. This study was conducted by independent researchers from the University of Western Australia and The Education University of Hong Kong. Also available now: Nedjma Koval-Saifi’s assessment of the status of digital game-based learning in the […]
The Philippines launches TPD@Scale
The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) launched TPD@Scale Philippines on August 28, 2018 with a workshop for regional and division field offices on the program’s inaugural blended learning course for teachers called ELLN Digital. “ELLN” is short for Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy; “Digital” refers to the blended learning design of the course, a combination […]