Cost-effectiveness of digital learning for development: Towards a systematic, systemic, and sustainable framework
by Charalambos Vrasidas
This paper examines the issues around the cost-effectiveness of digital learning for development (DL4D) and proposes a systematic and sustainable framework to facilitate the study, adoption, sustainability and scalability of DL4D.
An activity-based costing approach to planning digital learning in the Global South
by Eileen Kennedy
This paper argues that an accurate approach to costing is necessary to scale up digital learning in the Global South and assesses the extent to which an activity-based costing (ABC) approach provides this.
The cost-effectiveness of digital learning: Lessons from educational experiences in Africa
by Neil Butcher and Sarah Hoosen
This paper lays out challenges in defining digital learning and the political challenges in measuring cost-effectiveness using examples from the Nepad e-Schools Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) financial modeling tool, the UNESCO ICT Competency for Teachers (CFT) professional development course for teachers, and the South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) Facilitating Online Learning course (FOLC).
Vrasidas, C. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of digital learning for development: Towards a systematic, systemic, and sustainable framework. Quezon City, Philippines: Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development.
Kennedy, E. (2020). An activity-based costing approach to planning digital learning in the Global South. Quezon City, Philippines: Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development.
Butcher, N., & Hoosen, S. (2020). The cost-effectiveness of digital learning: Lessons from educational experiences in Africa. Quezon City, Philippines: Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development.
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