A framework for strengthening teacher professional development systems with ICT


The purpose of this framework is to support countries in strengthening their teacher professional development (TPD) systems by harnessing the power of information and communication technologies (ICT). It provides a way of thinking about how to effectively incorporate ICT in the design and implementation of professional learning programs for all teachers in ways that address equity concerns and take account of contextual factors. Drawing on international research and fieldwork findings from the GPE KIX multi-site empirical TPD@Scale research project, “Adapting and Scaling Teacher Professional Development Approaches in Ghana, Honduras, and Uzbekistan,” and building on the Coalition’s working paper, “Designing Teacher Professional Development with ICTs to Support System-Wide Improvement in Teaching,” this framework was developed by international experts including researchers, practitioners and representatives of national agencies. It is intended for use by government education policymakers and other key stakeholders working with teacher educators, teachers, teacher representatives and other national education agencies. It could also be used by development partners to diagnose the needs of country TPD systems. It is relevant to all education systems in the Global South.

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Recommended Citation

Wolfenden, F., Castillo-Canales, D., Roque-Gutierrez, E., Conde-Gafaro, B., Fletcher, J., Moncada, R. M., Namazov, B., Smith, W., Khamidova, D., Solis, M. A., & Lim, C.P. (2024). A framework for strengthening teacher professional development systems with ICTFoundation for Information Technology Education and Development.


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