Teacher professional learning in Latin America during the Covid-19 pandemic: lessons learned from remote teaching mediated by ICTs


The aim of this study is to examine teachers’ professional learning processes during the pandemic and how these learning experiences are linked to digital technology. This study is framed under the umbrella of the TPD@Scale Coalition approach that is concerned with fostering equity, quality and efficiency in TPD models by taking advantage of the possibilities of digital technologies (TPD@Scale Coalition).

This qualitative examination can help us to understand how teachers adjust or transform their teaching practices and the factors playing a significant role in that process. Consequently, findings emerging from this period of school closure might inform future strategies for teacher professional development (TPD).


Recommended Citation

SUMMA (2022) Teacher professional learning in Latin America during the Covid-19 pandemic: lessons learned from remote teaching mediated by ICTs. Working Papers Series No. 20. ISSN: 2735-6220.

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