The Coalition receives GPE KIX grant for TPD@Scale efforts in Ghana, Honduras, and Uzbekistan

The Coalition has been awarded funding to implement the TPD@Scale project Adapting and scaling teacher professional development approaches in Ghana, Honduras, and Uzbekistan as part of the Global Partnership for Education’s Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) Global Grants program. The project will be undertaken by FIT-ED (Project Lead), Worldreader (Ghana Lead), SUMMA (Honduras Lead) and UNESCO (Uzbekistan Lead). Freda Wolfenden of the Open University (UK) will head the Research Team as Principal Investigator. The project will run for 30 months beginning April 2020. 

KIX is a partnership between GPE and IDRC to strengthen national education systems and accelerate educational progress in the Global South. The goal of the KIX Global Grants is to contribute to the improved performance of education systems in GPE countries through adopting and adapting evidence-based education innovations with a demonstrated impact on enhancing education access and quality at scale.

Read the full announcement here.

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